Does stress cause Parkinson’s?

Reduce stress and improve symptoms.

Does stress cause Parkinson’s?  My tremor is only noticeable when I am under  stress.

Although stress may not cause Parkinson’s, it certainly can affect how you feel with the disease, cope and adjust to symptoms and your own tendency to take charge of your condition.

Stress can worsen symptoms, especially tremor and freezing. Steps to reduce stress can improve these symptoms.  Mindfulness therapies such as yoga, guided imagery, meditation and hypnosis can help.  Learn more… 


Filed under Emotional Health, Mindfulness and Spirituality

2 responses to “Does stress cause Parkinson’s?

  1. Managing stress and how your thoughts affect how you feel is one of the most powerful things you can do for you wellbeing.

  2. Tell us how stress affects your PD and what you have found that makes it better.

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